The Foundation serves as the nonprofit 501 (c) 3 tax exempt arm of Pi Lambda Lambda (PLL) Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Incorparated Fraternity. PLL is incorporated in the state of Virginia, and is a member of the 3rd District of Omega Psi Phi, Inc., serving Prince William County, Virginia and surrounding areas. Pi Lambda Lambda Chapter has won numerous awards for its contributions to the local community. PLL has been recognized by the County Board of Supervisors and the Virginia Legistlature for outstanding community support. The Chapter has also received several awards as the outstanding Chapter of the Year of Omega Psi Phi Inc. Since its inception in 2004, it has been recognized several times nationally as Omega Psi Phi Social Action Chapter of the Year. It has been recognized as both the International Chapter of the Year and international Social Action Chapter of the Year by Omegas Psi Phi Incorporated and has received many other awards and recognitions for outsanding service.